7 clans indoor water park
7 clans indoor water park

The Mandalorian Civil War was fought between the pacifists and the martial traditionalists. A pacifist regime came to power at the end of these wars, led by Duchess Satine Kryze, who joined the Galactic Republic. Many years of war left the planet inhospitable, forcing the Mandalorians to live within domed cities. Wearing distinctive armor that was often made from Beskar, they were feared throughout the galaxy, and once had political influence over two thousand other star systems.

7 clans indoor water park

The Mandalorians once fought the Jedi and raided their temple during the fall of the Old Republic. It was the homeworld of the Mandalorians, a fearsome warrior clan-based people, and the indigenous Alamite species. Mandalore, also known as Mand'alor, was a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. Every Mandalorian can trace their roots back to this planet, and the beskar mines deep within." ―Din Djarin to Grogu

7 clans indoor water park